Tanveer Brar


Source Code Optimizer

group-project academic in-progress
Python tool that identifies and refactors energy-inefficient code patterns with the aim of reducing overall energy consumption. Integrated with a VS code plugin that allows easy user experience for multiple refactorings. Utilizes AST parsing, PyLint, CodeCarbon and provides option to integrate automated tests from your code base.


Live Site
Website for a vegan bakery with online ordering functionality, based on client requirements. A combination of custom Wordpress theme built using PHP and vanilla HTML, and Elementor.
Website for green yacht upgrades, based on client requirements. Custom design built in Figma and Wordpress theme built using PHP.

Chat Messaging App

group-project academic in-progress
Application for built for a hypothetical company for internal communication, integrated with encryption keys. Involved design of architecture and development of mobile application in Java.


Through work and personal projects, I have experience in full-stack development, API development, Wordpress and testing.
Front End Languages & Frameworks
Back End Languages & Frameworks
Database Querying

Vue JS, React JS, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS

Java, Spring Boot, Mockito, Junit, Python, PHP


MongoDB, Docker, Tomcat, GitHub, LaTeX, Postman


Bachelors in Software Engineering, McMaster University

Sept 2020 - April 2025
Relevant Courses: Data Structures & Algorithms, Linear Optimization, Concurrent Systems, Databases, Sequential Decision Making

Extracurriculars: Designer at GDSC McMaster
Sept 2021 - April 2022
Contributed to developent of application for roomates to communicate using ExpressJS and PostgreSQL


I'm currently open to full time roles in software development starting May 2025. Please feel free to reach out using one of the methods below.
Email: tanveerbrar14@gmail.com
Phone: (+1) 437 925 2061